Mr. Ford is Jealous By Boat of Peaches (Completed)

Mr. Ford is Jealous By Boat of Peaches

On top of a cliff, the kidnapper had a knife poised over her neck as well as his ideal girl’s. “Select one, please.””I choose her,” he declared, gesturing toward the girl of his dreams.Stella whispered, “Weston…” with a quiver in her voice.

I have news! I’m expecting a child.Weston gave her a disinterested glance. “Heights terrify Gwen.”A long time elapsed thereafter.Mr. Weston Ford, a prominent figure in Ahn City, allegedly spent a lot of time hanging around his ex-wife’s residence, going to great lengths to make her feel special, even though she never once objected.Legend has it that Weston nearly died at Stella’s door the night she brought a man home with her. Stella graciously smiled and added, “Don’t die at my door,” despite everyone’s envy. Germs terrify me.

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